The advantages to you

Having to answer routine employment and income requests is time-consuming and doesn't create any value for your business. And the costs of all the associated paperwork, posting and faxing quickly add up. Passing this work over to us frees up your people to do more cost-effective work. We will also handle all requests made by phone.

Normally we charge the organisations looking for the information, so if you let us take over this work for you, it won't cost you anything. In fact, you will actually be saving the money it used to cost you to deal with these requests.

We will improve employee satisfaction by making sure that we provide their details quickly and efficiently. This is particularly important if an employee is waiting for a new loan or some other service to be approved. We'll reply quickly to all requests for information and employees can refer their mortgage lender or whoever needs the information to us all year round. You can access our records through your company website or intranet too, making the service easily accessible to employees and improving your reputation as a high-quality employer.

We will follow your company's data protection policy. You can customise the service to meet any specific requirements in any country. We provide you with the option to update us automatically from your HR or payroll system. You are able to send us regular updates electronically by connecting our systems or by uploading a file through a secure website. You can do the same for any contractors and agency workers you employ.
